Sending Feedback & Logs

We would love to get your feedback on Warp: bugs, feature requests, novel ideas, etc.

Sending Warp feedback:

For security-related issues or questions, please email

Gathering Warp Logs

In some cases, we may also ask for your Warp logs. You can retrieve them by following the instructions for your platform below. Locate the log file and attach it to your GitHub issue comment, feedback email, or discord message.

Warp’s logs do not contain any console input or output. See more on how we handle Crash Reports and Telemetry.

The Warp log files are located at ~/Library/Logs/warp.log* on macOS. Zip the logs to your home folder with zip -j ~/ ~/Library/Logs/warp.log*.

If your issue is graphical (e.g. no display of windows, etc), please run Warp with the following command to capture more log information.

RUST_LOG=wgpu_core=info,wgpu_hal=info MESA_DEBUG=1 EGL_LOG_LEVEL=debug /Applications/

Using Console

  1. Launch Console, found in Mac’s Applications > Utilities folder.

  2. In the left pane, select Log Reports.

  3. In the right pane, find the warp log.

Last updated