
The Tabs feature allows you to organize a window into multiple terminal sessions. Tabs can be customized with a title and/or an ANSI color to help identify them.

New Tabs will default to the active Tabs’ current Working Directory and the actual color values will be automatically derived from your Warp Theme.

Tab Restoration

Tab Restoration enables you to reopen recently closed tabs for up to 60 seconds. Configure this feature in Settings > Features > Session > Enable reopening of closed sessions

How to use it

  • Right-click on the new Tab button + to make a new tab, restore closed tab, or run a saved Launch Configuration.

  • Open a new Tab with CMD-T or by clicking on the + in the top bar.

  • Close the current Tab with CMD-W or by clicking on the X on hover over a Tab.

  • Reopen closed tabs with SHIFT-CMD-T.

  • Move a Tab to the Left / Right with CTRL-SHIFT-LEFT / CTRL-SHIFT-RIGHT or by clicking and dragging a Tab.

  • Activate the Previous / Next Tab with SHIFT-CMD-{ / SHIFT-CMD-} or by clicking a Tab.

  • Activate the first through eighth Tabs with CMD-1 thru CMD-8.

  • Switch to the last Tab with CMD-9.

  • Double-click a Tab to rename it.

  • Right-clicking on a Tab reveals more options you can explore within the Command Palette or Keyboard Shortcuts.

Terminal Tip Using your .zshrc or .bashrc files, you can set a new Tab name:

# Set name, where MyTabName would be whatever you want to see in the Tab ( either a fixed string, $PWD, or something else )
function set_name () {
  echo -ne "\033]0;MyTabName\007"
# Add the function to the environment variable in either Zsh or Bash
if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
elif [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then

Learn more about Tab names here.

How it works

Last updated