Sticky Command Header

Sticky Command Header shows you the command run for a large Block that is scrolled partially off-screen. This helps you see the command that was previously run or currently running jump to the top.

For long-running commands that take up the full screen, the sticky header only shows after you start scrolling up. This is to prevent the header from blocking the top part of the output for commands like git log that simulate full-screen apps.

How to access it

  • Sticky Command Header is enabled by default.

  • Toggle Sticky Command Header by going to Settings > Features > toggle “Show sticky command header”.

  • Toggle by searching for “Sticky Command Header” within the Command Palette CMD-P or by pressing CTRL-CMD-S.

  • You can also "Toggle the Sticky Command Header in the Active Pane" with CTRL-S. This won't disable the feature entirely, only minimize it on the active session.

How to use it

  • If a Block has a large output ( e.g. seq 1 1000), the header of the Block will show on the top of the active Window, Tab, or Pane.

  • Click on the Sticky Command Header to quickly jump to the top of the Block.

  • While active you can also minimize the Sticky Command Header on the active pane by clicking the UP/DOWN arrow in the middle of the header.

How it works

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